Friday, January 24, 2020

Essay --

En este papel voy hablar de la historia del narcotrà ¡fico y del mal que le ha traà ­do al mundo. La guerra contra el narcotrà ¡fico, o lucha contra la delincuencia organizada en Mà ©xico, es un conflicto interno que enfrenta el estado Mexicano contra las bandas que controlan diversas actividades ilegales, principalmente el trà ¡fico ilegal de drogas. Desde 2006, cuando comenzà ³ la intervencià ³n del ejà ©rcito Mexicano, el objetivo principal del gobierno ha sido la de acabar con la violencia relacionada con las drogas. Ademà ¡s, el gobierno Mexicano ha afirmado que su objetivo principal es el desmantelamiento de los poderosos carteles de la droga, en lugar de en prevenir el trà ¡fico de drogas, que se deja a los funcionarios de los Estados Unidos. Aunque los cà ¡rteles Mexicanos de la droga, o las organizaciones de trà ¡fico de drogas, han existido desde hace varias dà ©cadas, se han vuelto mà ¡s poderosos desde la desaparicià ³n de los carteles de Cali y Medellà ­n en Colombia en la dà ©cada de 1990. Carteles de la droga mexicanos dominan ahora el mercado mayorista de drogas ilà ­citas, y en 2007 controlaban el 90% de la cocaà ­na que entra a Estados Unidos. Las detenciones de los principales là ­deres de los cà ¡rteles, en particular en los cà ¡rteles de Tijuana y del Golfo, ha provocado un aumento de la violencia del narcotrà ¡fico como los cà ¡rteles luchan por el control de las rutas de trà ¡fico hacia los Estados Unidos. Los analistas estiman que los ingresos al por mayor de la venta de drogas ilà ­citas van de $ 13.6 mil millones a $ 49.4 mil millones al aà ±o. Al final de la administracià ³n de Felipe Calderà ³n (2006-2012), la cifra oficial de muertos de la guerra contra las drogas de Mà ©xico fue de al menos 60.000, aunque las cuentas no confirmadas establecen la tasa de homici... ...tado en la zona desde 1980. En las dà ©cadas anteriores a este periodo, el consumo no se generalizà ³, no mas principalmente entre personas de nivel socioeconà ³mico alto, los intelectuales y los artistas. Los cargamentos de droga se retrasan en las ciudades fronterizas de Mà ©xico antes de la entrega a los EE.UU., lo que ha contribuido probablemente a las altas tasas de consumo local de drogas. A pesar del hecho de que los cà ¡rteles Mexicanos de la droga y sus proveedores Colombianos generan, lavar y retirar $18000 millones a 39 millones de dà ³lares de los Estados Unidos cada aà ±o, los EE.UU. y los gobiernos Mexicanos han sido criticados por su falta de voluntad o la lenta respuesta para hacer frente a los diversos cà ¡rteles operaciones financieras, incluyendo el lavado de dinero. Los carteles no mas ponen en peligro a su paà ­s y les train mucho mal que no le conviene a Mà ©xico.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Reactions to Imprisonment Essay

When an individual is subjected to being incarcerated for a significant amount of their life, that person once released has had a life experience, which impacts them greatly. Whether that impact is prosperous or not depends on the individual. While imprisoned some allow themselves to take advantage of their time by learning form their mistakes, while others utilize their time by becoming more mischievous. A prime example of someone who received a positive impact form being imprisoned is Socrates Fortlow of Walter Mosley’s Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned, this specific individual learned to be zealous, compassionate and resourceful throughout his twenty-seven year sentence in jail. From Socrates release from jail he has displayed an extremely zealous outlook on life. As a man seeking employment, Socrates zealous personality is the key factor in him receiving a job at Bounty Supermarket for boxing and delivering groceries. â€Å"I been down there ev’ry day for five days, an ev’ry day I go in there I ask ’em if they got my okay from the head office yet†, is how Socrates explained his persistent attempt to his friend Stony Wile. As a lower class, African American, ex-convict, Socrates is not the ideal candidate for employment. One would believe that without his zealous attitude he would not have been able to obtain the job he took such pride in executing. Socrates also made a zealous attempt to modify his violent behavior. â€Å"For years he gave himself a grade everyday. Anytime he wrote down failure somebody had been hurt by those big rock-breaking hands.† Socrates found himself in physical confrontations only when he felt it was necessary. He even attempted to apply physical intimidation to beneficial use. Socrates â€Å"†¦swore to himself that he’d never hurt another person – except if he had to for self-preservation.† Therefore Socrates’ zealous attitude served as an aid for him throughout numerous aspects of his life. Compassionate is the descriptive word that comes to mind when contemplating the acts of this â€Å"†¦convicted murderer†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Socrates compassion is especially demonstrated when he saves a stray dog and nursed him back to health after an uncaring driver hit the dog. In contrast of what many may think about ex-convicts, this one in particular has a caring heart and reached is out not only to Bruno, the stray canine but also his friend Right Burke. Right Burke was suffering from cancer and his days were limited. Mr. Fortlow did his best to make this suffering mans last days as comfortable and enjoyable as he could. Although not a wealthy man, Socrates used his heart and his mind to initiate his goals. He not only reached his heart out to Right but also to a troubled adolescent named Darryl. â€Å"He wanted to reach out to the blubbering child and tell him that it was okay†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Socrates was the only father Darryl had in his life, so Socrates did his best to show Darryl how to be a man. He looked out for Darryl’s interest the best way he knew how. Although it’s been said in order for a person to be able to murder they have to have a lack of compassion, Socrates incarceration rehabilitated him into a man full of compassion. Being resourceful is a personality attribute that at person with limited finances and an incarcerated individual will quickly obtain. Socrates showed his resourceful nature by actions such as cooking a whole meal on only a hot plate and restoring â€Å"†¦ round dinette table, with three broken legs, lying in the street† into new condition. Mr. Fortlow also tended to himself when he was cut with a broken bottle by cleansing out the wound and sewing up his ripped up coat. Socrates resourcefulness has been a prosperous effect of his imprisonment. This effect enabled Socrates to conserve his funds on things that were not necessities. â€Å"He took a bag of leftovers home at the end of every week from the store.† These were items that a financially stable person would turn their nose up at, but for someone less fortunate such as Socrates they were gourmet foods. One would tend to believe without Socrates resourceful nature, survival would’ve been made much more of a nuisance. A man attempting to survive in a lower class neighborhood needs certain characteristics in order to survive. One would infer that Socrates was able to obtain these attributes through his twenty-seven year imprisonment. Socrates Fortlow was zealous, compassionate and resourceful and without these characteristics he would not have been able to survive.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Bipolar Dissorder A Brief Summary Essay - 1724 Words

The event of bipolar disorder has been a mystery since the 16th century. Records have shown that this problem can appear in almost anyone. It is clear that in our social world many people live with bipolar disorder. Regardless of the number of people suffering from the disease, we are still waiting for an explanation regarding the causes and cure. One fact of which we are aware, is that bipolar disorder severely undermines its’ victims ability to obtain and maintain social and occupational success. Bipolar disorder has such devastating symptoms, that it is important we remain determined in searching for explanations of its causes and treatment. Bipolar disorder affects approximately one percent of the population in the United States.†¦show more content†¦When both manic and depressive symptoms occur at the same time it is called a mixed episode. Those afflicted are at a special risk because there is a combination of hopelessness, agitation, and anxiety that makes them feel like they quot;could jump out of their skinquot;(Hirschfeld, 1995). Up to 50% of all patients with mania have a mixture of depressed moods. Patients report feeling unhappy; yet, they exhibit the energy associated with mania. Rapid cycling mania is also a presentation of bipolar disorder. Mania may be present with four or more distinct episodes within a 12-month period. However, there is now evidence to suggest that sometimes rapid cycling may be a brief demonstration of the bipolar disorder. This form of the disease exhibits more episodes of mania and depression than bipolar. There are medications that can be prescribed, that can help control the disease, and let people affected lead normal lives. Lithium has been the primary treatment of bipolar disorder since its introduction in the 1960s. Its main function is to stabilize the cycling characteristic of bipolar disorder. In four controlled studies by F. K. Goodwin and K. R. Jamison, the overall response rate for bipolar subjects treated with Lithium was 78% (1990). Lithium is also the primary drug used for long- term maintenance of bipolar disorder. In a majority of bipolar patients, it lessens the duration, frequency, and severity of the episodes of both mania and depression. Unfortunately,